Lobby im Eingangsbereich der Rehaklinik Dussnang


Personal contacts and proximity to partners and relatives promote and accelerate rehabilitation. Visitors are very welcome here. Enjoy the therapy-free time with your family, completely undisturbed and in a way you want. It can be in your room, in our great park, or in the Restaurant «Tannzapfe».

Opening hours

Daily from 7.00 to 20.00.
To contact the reception, call +41 71 978 63 63.
Visiting Hours
Daily from 9.00 to 20.00.
Restaurant Tannzapfe 
Daily from 9.00 to 21.00
Toll parking is available behind the church or across the street from the clinic.

Accompanying Persons

Partners, relatives or friends of our patients are very welcome! They contribute to the success of our patients' rehabilitation and can learn to support their relatives on their way back to everyday life.
That is why we offer particularly attractive conditions to those accompanying our patients.

People who accompany patients can actively participate in the ward rounds, therapies and rehabilitation appointments (with the patient's consent). They also can use individual services under our additional offers. 
Optionally, we offer customised Kneipp-inspired stays. These promise the people who accompany the patients maximum relaxation and well-being. 
Please call our team for more information: Tel.: +41 71 424 33 66

Regional Activities

The Rehaklinik Dussnang is located in Tannzapfenland, the southernmost part of Hinterthurgau. This natural paradise with its gentle, pre-Alpine landscape offers a wealth of attractive recreational activities from leisurely cycling trips and peaceful walks to long high-altitude hikes. 
On request, we will organize an excursion or a trip for you and your guests. 

Not far from the Rehaklinik Dussnang, is the Benedictine abbey of Fischingen, a unique architectural gem and a popular venue for various events. Another popular attraction is the abbey town of Wil, which exudes a special charm with its medieval timber-framed houses and picturesque alleys. Need to do some shopping for your daily needs? There's a kiosk at the clinic. Besides, in nearby Wil you will find numerous shops. Find out more here.

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Our park is a little piece of paradise with old trees and a sensory herb garden. It invites you to relax and recharge as you breathe in fresh air and enjoy the stunning countryside views.


Fischingen Abbey

The Benedictine abbey of Fischingen is less than five minutes’ drive away. It is a unique architectural gem and a popular event location. In addition to a carpentry shop, a concert hall, a beautiful garden and an elegant restaurant, the abbey has a beautiful chapel that invites you to contemplation.


Natural Paradise Tannzapfenland

The Rehaklinik Dussnang is located in the region of Tannzapfenland, surrounded by endless spruce forests and meadows and offering lovely views of the Alps and Lake Constance.


Abbey Town of Wil

With its medieval timber-framed houses and picturesque alleys, the abbey town of Wil exudes a special charm. The cultural attractions and numerous small cafés invite you to stroll along the cobblestone pavements or to enjoy a homemade cream cake.

Patienten während ihrer neurologischen Rehabilitation, unterstützt von einem Expertenteam in der Rehaklinik Zihlschlacht.


International Office
Kerstin Merz & Luca Zimmermann
Tel.: +41 71 424 33 66
E-Mail: international@vamed.ch