
Integral care is the basis for optimal successful treatment.
In accordance with the Federal Health Care Insurance Act (KVG), the Rehaklinik Dussnang has a service mandate for:

It is listed on the hospital list of the cantons of Thurgau, Zurich, St. Gallen, Schaffhausen and Appenzell Ausserroden for musculoskeletal rehabilitation and on the hospital list of the canton of Thurgau for geriatric rehabilitation.

These services are billed via basic insurance in compliance with the Health Care Insurance Act. The clinic also offers a corresponding portfolio of services to patients with supplementary insurance.

For a quick and uncomplicated registration, please fill out the admission form available under "Inpatient admission" or contact our patient administration team directly for further information.

We will gladly answer any questions you may have.

Patienten während ihrer neurologischen Rehabilitation, unterstützt von einem Expertenteam in der Rehaklinik Zihlschlacht.


International Office
Kerstin Merz & Luca Zimmermann
Tel.: +41 71 424 33 66